To Study about Production and Economics Analysis of Major Vegetable Crops in K.V.K Purnea Bihar
Journal Title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development - Year 2021, Vol 5, Issue 2
The investigation was carried out by survey method in Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Jalalgarh purnea Bihar during year 2018 19. The per hectare total cost of cultivation was analysis and it shows that the highest cost per hectare in valued in potato cultivation Rs.62806.28 followed by Tomato Rs. 37755.92 green pea Rs. 37103.28 and cauliflower 34514.89 variable cost directly associated with level of production and share of variable cost cost A was highest of the total cost in case of potato 76.23 followed by green pea 89.63 Tomato 52.27 and cauliflower 43.27 . The average yield per hectare of potato, cauliflower, Tomato and green pea crops were achieved 236.67 Qtls, 194.67 Qts, 194.0 Qtls, and 90.67 Qtls. The return over per hectare for different vegetables. Showed that highest net return was obtained for potato Rs.72526.88 followed by tomato Rs. 56944.08 cauliflower Rs.42855.11 and green pea Rs. 41363.39 . Input –Output analysis reflects that tomato crops is most remunerable among all four vegetable and fetched highest return of Rs. 3.75 on investment Rs. 1.0 followed by cauliflower 1 3.35 , potato 1 2.99 and green pea 1 2.20 benefit cost ratio. Ajeet Kumar | Dr. Shiv Mangal Yadav | Kuldeep Kumar "To Study about Production and Economics Analysis of Major Vegetable Crops in K.V.K Purnea (Bihar)" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-2 , February 2021, URL: Paper Url:
Authors and Affiliations
Ajeet Kumar | Dr. Shiv Mangal Yadav | Kuldeep Kumar
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