To Study the Association of Free Insulin Levels, Obesity Markers & Lipid Profile Parameters in Newly Diagnosed Patients of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Tertiary Care Centre of Kumaon Region
Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 10
Diabetes Mellitus is the commonest metabolic abnormality in the world. Type 2 diabetes the commonest form of diabetes constitutes nearly 90% of diabetic population in any country. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is characterized by impaired insulin secretion, insulin resistance, excessive hepatic glucose production, and abnormal fat metabolism. Obesity, particularly visceral or central (as evidenced by the hip-waist ratio), is very common in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Obesity is always associated with increase in plasma triglycerides. Dyslipidemia includes hypertriglyceridemia, reduced HDL cholesterol, and increased numbers of small, dense LDL particles. The present was therefore planned to study the correlation between markers of obesity, lipid profile & insulin resistance in newly diagnosed patients of type 2 Diabetes mellitus. Materials & Methods: 100 newly diagnosed patients of Type 2 DM were taken as cases. Healthy age & sex matched 100 subjects were included in control group. Results: In this study 37 patients of DM were overweight and 19 were obese. All the female patients showed waist hip ratio (WHR) >0.85 and 33 males out of 43 had WHR >0.90. Mean waist circumference in diabetic cases were significantly raised when compared with healthy controls. The mean level of Triglyceride & VLDLc in diabetic cases was found to be significantly raised when compared with normal subjects. The mean level of ApoB was found to be significantly elevated in diabetics as compared with controls. in this study the levels of HbA1c & serum free insulin were also significantly raised in diabetic cases as compared to normal subjects. Conclusion: This study showed that newly diagnosed diabetic patients have high incidence of obesity, insulin resistance and dyslipidemias, which predisposed them to metabolic syndrome. Significantly high levels of HbA1c in newly diagnosed DM suggests its utility as the predictor of future risk for metabolic syndrome.
Authors and Affiliations
Sangeeta Singh
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