To Study the Genomic Fingerprinting of Relatedness in Strains of Bacillus Sp. by RAPD Analysis
Journal Title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development - Year 2019, Vol 3, Issue 2
"The aim of the present investigation was to study the genomic adaptation of Bacillus sp. isolated from chromium contaminated environment and normal environment. For this purpose ten highly chromium resistant Bacillus sp. CSB-1 to10 and ten normal Bacillus sp. NB-1 to 10 were isolated from soil samples collected from mine and it's adjacent areas of Sukinda, Odisha. The genomic DNA was isolated from 20 Bacillus species and made free from contamination of RNA by RNAase treatment. The molecular weight of DNA from 20 Bacillus species were determined by comparing with DNA . The genomic variation study of 10 chromium resistant and 10 normal strains of Bacillus was done by RAPD analysis. Among the 10 primers used only two OPT 01 and OPT 05 gave the amplification. OPT 01 primer gave lesser bands in normal Bacillus species than those obtained in chromium resistant Bacillus species. The presence of those DNA fragment band in chromium resistant Bacillus can be used as a molecular marker to identify chromium resistant Bacillus from normal Bacillus. These chromium resistant Bacillus species after further assessment of their potential to reduce the toxic hexavalent form to its nontoxic trivalent form can be exploited for the bioremediation of toxic and carcinogenic soluble hexavalent chromium containing industrial effluents. by Sasmita Das | Pratima Pradhan | Ajay Kumar Sahu "To Study the Genomic Fingerprinting of Relatedness in Strains of Bacillus Sp. by RAPD Analysis" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-2 , February 2019, URL: Paper URL:
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