To Study the Lymphatic Metastatic Patterns in Oral Cavity Malignancies at M.Y. Hospital & MGM Medical College, Indore

Journal Title: Saudi Journal of Medicine - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue 4


Abstract:Themanagement of thecervical lymphnodesisan integral partof the overall treatmentoftheoralcavitymalignancies.Theindicationsand usesofthe varioustypes of neckdissectionsandpreandpostoperative radiotherapyhasbeenasubjectofmuchdebate.Basedontheresultsof thepresentstudyandtheliteratureavailablewithus,wecanconclude that, Dissemination ofmetastaticcancer toregionallymph nodesfrom primarysitesintheupperaerodigestivetractoccursinapredictable andsequentialpattern.For primarytumoursin theoralcavity, the regionallymphnodesatthehighestriskforearly disseminationby metastaticcancer(firstechelonnodes)are limitedtolevels 1,2 and3, i.e.,within the supraomohyoidtriangle ofneck.Skipmetastasisto levels4and5intheabsenceofmetastasisatlevels1,2or3isvery rare. Keywords: Lymphatic Metastatic, Oral Cavity & Malignancy.

Authors and Affiliations

Sunil Narang, Sanjay Kumar Mahajan


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How To Cite

Sunil Narang, Sanjay Kumar Mahajan (2018). To Study the Lymphatic Metastatic Patterns in Oral Cavity Malignancies at M.Y. Hospital & MGM Medical College, Indore. Saudi Journal of Medicine, 3(4), 142-146.