To study the role of hyperbilirubinemia as a marker of gangrenous/ perforated appendicitis
Journal Title: International Archives of Integrated Medicine - Year 2019, Vol 6, Issue 3
Background: Acute appendicitis is the most common cause of acute abdomen in young adults requiring Emergency Surgery. Diagnosing Acute Appendicitis clinically still remains a common surgical problem. Accurate diagnosis can be aided by additional testing or expectant management or both. These might delay surgery and lead to appendicular perforation with increased morbidity and hospital stay. The aim of the study: To study the incidence of hyperbilirubinemia in cases of acute appendicitis and its complications (Gangrenous/ Perforated). Materials and methods: This Prospective study was done in the Department of General Surgery, Madras Medical College and Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital in 2017. Patient admitted with clinical diagnosis of acute appendicitis or its complications (Perforated/ Gangrenous) in the Emergency. Final HPE was considered as a gold standard for diagnosing and categorizing patients as having Normal Appendix, Acute appendicitis and Acute appendicitis with Perforation/Gangrene. Results: Out of 246 cases of Acute appendicitis 42 Cases were Gangrenous/ Perforated Appendix (17.07%). Out of 42 cases of Gangrenous/ Perforated appendix maximum cases seen in the Age group 21-30 years (31%) and least seen in below 10 years (0.0%). Above 50 years no of cases of Gangrenous/ Perforated appendix were 3 (7.1%). Rebound tenderness predominantly present in cases of Gangrenous/ Perforated Appendicitis than Acute appendicitis cases and its statistically significant. Among 246 cases minimum age was 9 and the maximum age was 65 years and the mean age was 24 years. Mean Total leukocyte count was 12687 and Mean polymorph count was 75. Serum mean total bilirubin was .92 and maximum was 2.4 Alvarado’s score maximum seen was 10 and least was 5 with mean about 7. Conclusion: Patients with clinical signs and symptoms of Acute appendicitis with raised serum bilirubin should be considered as having high predictive potential for Appendicular gangrene/ Perforation. Serum Bilirubin is an important adjunct in diagnosing the presence of Gangrenous/ Perforated Appendicitis along with other diagnostic aids.
Authors and Affiliations
T Avvai, S Nedunchezian
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