To The Encrypted Sensed Data By Applying Digital Signatures To Message Packets Using SET-IBS and SETIBOOS


We recommend two protected and resourceful data Transmission(SET) protocols for CWSNs, called SET-IBS and SETIBOOS,by means of the IBS scheme and the IBOOS scheme, correspondingly. The key suggestion of both SET-IBS and SET-IBOOS is to confirm the encrypted sensed data, by be valid digital signatures to message packets, which are capable in communication and applying the key supervision for security. In the proposed protocols, secret keys and pairing parameters are scattered and preloaded in all sensor nodes by the BS at first, which overcomes the key escrow difficulty explain in IDbased crypto-systems. Cluster-based data transmission in WSNs has been examined by researchers in order to attain the network scalability and management, which make the most of node life and decrease bandwidth use by using local collaboration in the middle of sensor nodes.

Authors and Affiliations

M. Vamsi Krishna| HOD of CSE, ChaitanyaInstitute of Science & Technology, Kakinada, AP,INDIA, P. Vanimanikyam| Student of CSE,Chaitanya Institute of Science & Technology, Kakinada, AP,INDIA


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How To Cite

M. Vamsi Krishna, P. Vanimanikyam (2015). To The Encrypted Sensed Data By Applying Digital Signatures To Message Packets Using SET-IBS and SETIBOOS. International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology, 3(11), 910-912.