To the issues of history and formalization of the concept of anesthesia

Journal Title: Perioperative medicine - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 1


Anesthesiology as a science has passed a long way of development. The empirical period begins with the moment when people realize that they can reduce pain and get rid of it. Real prerequisites for the development of effective methods of anesthesia began to take shape at the end of the 18th century. It conditioned the emergence of a second (pre-scientific) period of development of anesthesiology. The active use of anesthesia in surgery led to special training for anesthesia. Improved methods of general anesthesia, developed methods for replacing and managing the functions of vital organs and the organism as a whole, scientific discoveries and systematization of the results of scientific research formed the basis for the formation of anesthesiology and intensive therapy as a separate scientific and practical discipline. The concept of “anesthesia” was introduced in the scientific professional language – a physiologically based, combined and multicomponent, selectively directed and balanced set of therapeutic and prophylactic measures aimed at optimizing the algorithm for performing physiological functions of the human body during the perioperative period of the surgical method of treatment or in the procedure followed by the formation and development of the phenomenon of pain. Its components: 1) modulation of the psychoemotional state; 2) modulation of the neurovegetative state; 3) analgesia; 4) anesthesia; 5) miorelaxation.

Authors and Affiliations

V. I. Poberezhny, A. S. Logvinov, D. V. Dmytriiev


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  • EP ID EP341785
  • DOI 10.31636/prmd.v1i1.1
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How To Cite

V. I. Poberezhny, A. S. Logvinov, D. V. Dmytriiev (2018). To the issues of history and formalization of the concept of anesthesia. Perioperative medicine, 1(1), 4-12.