To the question of the enforcement of the performance of the hereditary contract after the death of the transferor
Journal Title: Проблеми законності - Year 2016, Vol 134, Issue 134
The article is devoted to clarifying the specific performance of the hereditary contract after the death of the transferor. Described ways of designation of the person which controls the implementation of the hereditary contract. Criticism expressed over the position voiced in the legal literature about the possibility of such designation by means of the Agency agreement. The work substantiates the conclusion about the extension of the duties of the executor’s responsibility for controlling the execution of the hereditary contract. The above-mentioned is determined by the duty of the executor to solicit the debtors of the testator to fulfill their obligations according to the Section 1290 of the Civil Code. Defined the clause of a limited effect of designation of the special person to control over execution of the duties of the purchaser after the death of the transferor as a method of enforcement of the performance of the hereditary contract. Proposed to define the powers of the controlling person directly in the hereditary contract, separately providing the right to demand the termination of hereditary contract in case of non-execution or improper fulfilment of their duties by the purchaser. The work denies the possibility of setting the condition of hereditary contract, that the purchaser receives ownership of the property not only after the death of the transferor, but also after execution of all the instructions of the transferor, that discloses to the notary by submitting the relevant documents. Execution by purchaser of his duties after the death of the transferor is characterized by specific peculiarities. Thus the General rule concerning personal acceptance by the creditor of the debtor’s performance of his duties (Paragraph 1 of the Section 527 of the Civil Code) could not be applied to the above-mentioned legal relationships. In addition, the execution of certain instructions of the transferor after his death makes it impossible for early execution of the purchaser’s obligations (Section 531 of the Civil Code), in particular, before the transferor’s death. Also the rule of the Section 545 of the Civil Code couldn’t be applied, whereby when accepting the obligation, the creditor should, upon the request of the debtor, issue him the receipt for the execution in part or in full. The transferor is deprived of the opportunity to issue a receipt because of their death, and the person who controls the execution of the hereditary contract, is not a party to the contract, which similarly makes him disable to issue the receipt.
Authors and Affiliations
Олександр Кухарєв
Квазіделікти у праві Давнього Риму
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