To the question of the local organization of the pulse-vibration circulation of the heat-supplyer in the heat supply system

Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 5


The article deals with the organization of pulse–oscillating circulation of coolant in some parts of the heating system. The relevance of the subject is due to the expediency of using the momentum potential of the amount of motion of the coolant only on its specific elements. The practical significance of the solution of the problem is determined by the need to improve the reliability and energy efficiency of heat supply systems in the conditions of transition to the impulse circulation of the coolant.

Authors and Affiliations

A. Makeev


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  • EP ID EP485204
  • DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1246193
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How To Cite

A. Makeev (2018). To the question of the local organization of the pulse-vibration circulation of the heat-supplyer in the heat supply system. Бюллетень науки и практики, 4(5), 254-262.