Tomosynthesis Mammography
Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2014, Vol 2, Issue 8
development for breast cancer screening and diagnostic applications . An understated but important aspect of DBT theory is that the basic technology used is mammography. To date, mammography is the only screening imaging technology which has proven itself in randomized controlled trials to show survival benefit . Improvement in mammographic technology with DBT would therefore be closer to the original mammographic methods than other competing technologies such as MR, ultrasound, or CT with the clinical implication of improved screening. This study discusses recent developments in advanced derivative technologies associated with digital mammography. Digital breast tomosynthesis – its principles, development, and theoretical aspect are reviewed.Radiographic imaging techniques ,c ombined imaging systems with digital mammography and ultrasound and Potential Clinical Benefits are also discussed. Although all these methods are currently research programs, they hold promise for improving cancer detection and characterization if early results are confirmed by clinical trials
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Mwahib Sid Ahmed Aldosh
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