In this article I examine Rokkan-Urwin centre-periphery model, which is used to analysis of interstate relations. This model, developed in the 70s has been used to describe and explain interregional differences and inequ...
The article touches upon the subject of PHD studies and students in Poland based on the precariat theory by Guy Standing. In the initial part, studies regarding tertiary education in Poland that have been carried out s...
Article explores the issue of genesis and development of the „world-system analysis” and focuses on its approach to the proces of globalization. From the point of view of world-system analyses the global economic system...
Model Rokkana-Urwina w analizie relacji centro-peryferyjnych
In this article I examine Rokkan-Urwin centre-periphery model, which is used to analysis of interstate relations. This model, developed in the 70s has been used to describe and explain interregional differences and inequ...
Czy doktoranci są prekariuszami?
The article touches upon the subject of PHD studies and students in Poland based on the precariat theory by Guy Standing. In the initial part, studies regarding tertiary education in Poland that have been carried out s...
Ruch migracyjny w Gdańsku w XIX i na początku XX wieku
Rozwój cywilizacji kapitalistycznej w perspektywie teorii systemu-świata
Article explores the issue of genesis and development of the „world-system analysis” and focuses on its approach to the proces of globalization. From the point of view of world-system analyses the global economic system...
Tworzenie się nowych metropolii jako wyzwanie przemian globalnych, na przykładzie przestrzeni trójmiejskiej