Torbiele i przetoki szyi w materiale Oddziału Otolaryngologii Wojewódzkiego Szpitala Specjalistycznego im L. Rydygiera w Krakowie w latach 1997-2007
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2009, Vol 63, Issue 5
The retrospective study describes 118 patients treated for congenital cysts and fistulas of the neck between 1997 and 2007 in ORL Department of Rydygier District Hospital in Cracow. Malformation was divided into midline and laterocervical region anomalies. Malformation of midline included thyreoglossal duct and dermoid cyst. The most common malformation of laterocervical were cysts followed by fistulas. The theory of development, method of diagnosis and operative management were presented. Complication and recurrences were rare. Proper differential diagnosis and radical operation led to successful cure.
Authors and Affiliations
Agnieszka Błajszczak, Leszek Grabowski, Piotr Łach
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