TORCH-Infection and Its Possible Role in Syntropic Liver Damage in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (literature review and clinical case description)
Journal Title: Lviv Clinical Bulletin - Year 2013, Vol 4, Issue 4
Introduction. One of the topical issues of clinical medicine is the effective providing of help to patients with syntropic and polymorbid lesions, among which special attention is paid to patients with diffuse connective tissue diseases (DCTD), primarily with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and syntropic involvement of the liver into the pathological process. In this sense, the role of TORCH infection deserves the special attention, as there is a fragmentary information that some representatives of this group may also have an effect on the DCTD, in particular, the SLE, and liver diseases, which gives the basis to assume the possibility of their participation in the pathogenesis of syntropic co- and polymorbid lesions of organs and systems. Aim. Analysis of scientific literature and a description of a clinical case to highlight the role of TORCH infection in the syntropic lesions of the liver in patients with SLE. Materials and methods. The results of scientific works are analyzed, an example of a clinical case concerning the possible participation of TORCH infection in syntropic affection of the liver of the patients with SLE is given. Results. Summarizing a retrospective analysis of the sources of scientific data, we can say that the majority of the representatives of TORCH-complex may be related to the diffuse connective tissue diseases, in particular SLE, and also to liver diseases. This gives grounds for suggesting the possibility of their participation in the pathogenesis of syntropic co- and polymorbid damages of the organs and organ systems. Methods of laboratory diagnosis occupy a central place in the detection of TORCH infection altogether, and their application requires the appropriate tactics. Today, the defining tests of microbiological diagnosis of TORCH infections are the ELISA and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. Today, in world practice, there are no unified recommendations not only for diagnostic schemes, but also for the treatment of liver lesions in patients with SLE infected with TORCH infection, and doctors of all specialties have some difficulties in assisting such patients. The success of treating of TORCH infections in patients with liver damage can be achieved only if it is comprehensive, individualized for each patient and as safe as possible method. The clinical case describes the importance of diagnosing the TORCH-infection in SLE patients with syntropic liver damage. Conclusions. The information received on TORCH infection in patients with SLE and syntropic liver diseases does not allow to determine definitively whether it is the cause of one of the trigger mechanisms, whether it participates in the pathogenesis of comorbid lesions, if so, in what form, or it is an intercurrent infection. So, the information mentioned above indicates the relevance of the problem, that requires a comprehensive solution through the development of an adequate diagnostic and treatment algorithm for patients with SLE considering the possible presence of the TORCH infection and the involvement of liver into the pathological process.
Authors and Affiliations
U. Abrahamovych, M. Abrahamovych, N. Drobinska
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