Tourism Employment in Indian Economic Scenario


It is highly evident that tourism has contributed to the Indian Economic progression in a significant manner. Considering the level of contribution by the tourism industry to the employment parameter of the country is keenly watched by the economists. If the quantum of employment opportunities generated by the industry is satisfied more public spending and policy amendments can be brought in by the government. This paper analyses the level of GDP contribution by the tourism sector and the specific employment opportunities that can bring about more revenue in terms of real income towards the economy. With the careful scrutiny of several datasets from various sources indicated that tourism is contributing nearly 8 to 10 of the total employment in the country covering many activities. The contribution of employment towards the GDP of the country also stands at 5 on yearly basis. The ILO and WTTC exponential estimates indicate 35 absolute growth by 2025. Dr. D. Kesavan | Dr. D. Mohanraj | Mrs L. Esther Thamarine | Mrs R. Anuradha "Tourism Employment in Indian Economic Scenario" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-6 , October 2020, URL: Paper Url:

Authors and Affiliations

Dr. D. Kesavan


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Dr. D. Kesavan (2020). Tourism Employment in Indian Economic Scenario. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 4(6), -.