Journal Title: Revista Romana de Statistica - Year 2010, Vol 58, Issue 5
With complex representative tourist areas, Romania has had a significant tourism potential (Fagaras Country, Barsa Country, Hateg Country, Dorna Country, Prahova Valley, Buzau Valley, Olt Valley, Teleajen, Valley, Jiu Valley ,Vrancea Country, boilers Danube, Transylvanian plateau, Mountains National Park, National Park Semenic National Park Retezat, Nera Gorge, Székely, edge Sibiu, Rucar Bran road, Danube Delta, Romanian Black Stone Land respectively) which, in my view, was not sufficient value. Highlighting the tourism potential of our country, creating, in fact, tourist attractiveness depends directly by basic technical and service quality without which no tourist assets, however valuable, can not be realized. Romanian tourism offer was and is, in this view, faced with numerous problems that we believe should be considered in greater development programs, developed throughout the country and regional level.
Authors and Affiliations
George ERDELI, Ramona ARSENE
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