Towards a developing perception in the treatment of population growth

Journal Title: Monteverdia - Year 2011, Vol 4, Issue 2


The study assumes the existence of relations between two dimensions in the treatment of population growth: the dimension of cognitive-attitudinal and procedural. The environment is considered as an area of ongoing construction and reconstruction, the scene of internal relations, which have to do with the conceptual meaning, the experiential and emotional, the student, which are specified in the procedures that promote conscious understanding in a transition from what, how and why.

Authors and Affiliations

Enrique Loret de Mola López, Dania Pino Maristán, Manuel Moisés Pérez Hidalgo


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How To Cite

Enrique Loret de Mola López, Dania Pino Maristán, Manuel Moisés Pérez Hidalgo (2011). Towards a developing perception in the treatment of population growth. Monteverdia, 4(2), -.