Toys in the Digital World - Educational Implications

Journal Title: Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce - Year 2018, Vol 13, Issue 3


In the modern world, real environment is increasingly mixed with virtual environment. This problem particularly applies to children’s experiences, because both of these environments are already natural for them. In many situations, technology so deeply interferes with our everyday life that it is difficult to draw a clear border between real and virtual experiences. It results with important consequences for the education and upbringing of the young generation, and it may affect the quality of the child-parent relationship. The aim of this study is to show the trends currently observed in the development of toys based on digital technologies, and related implications. The main transformations taking place in the world of toys under the influence of media and the expansion of digital technologies, as well as the resulting consequences for parents, are described. Examples of such toys and their possibilities are presented. Various aspects and contexts of the impact of new media are discussed, as the media are often used by children for play.

Authors and Affiliations

Irena Pulak


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  • EP ID EP510719
  • DOI 10.14632/eetp.2018.13.49.189
  • Views 34
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How To Cite

Irena Pulak (2018). Toys in the Digital World - Educational Implications. Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce, 13(3), 189-201.