Tradicijski izvori predznaka posljednjeg časa u mjesecu ramazanu / Traditional sources of the last hour signs in the month of ramadan
Journal Title: Zbornik radova Islamskog pedagoškog fakulteta u Zenici / Proceedings of the Islamic Pedagogical Faculty in Zenica - Year 2021, Vol 19, Issue 19
One sign of the supernatural mission of the last Messenger of Allah’s (s) is the fact that he informed his Companions about everything that would take place before the Judgment Day, in the veracity of which many Muslims and non-Muslims have been convinced numerous times so far. The Qur’an talks indirectly, and the hadith unambiguously, about the appearance of a comet in the middle of the month of Ramadan, which will be the announcement of great social changes. The Messenger of Allah (s) gave precise instructions on how to act then, which presents another sign of supernaturality, confirmed by contemporary science. The appearance of the comet will be at the same time the announcement of the arrival of Mahdi and Dajjal who are mentioned in numerous hadith traditions. The Messenger of Allah (s) also insinuated the appearance of modern communication technology which will enable seeing at distance in real time. All this must not passivize us, because according to the hadith, even if the Last Hour comes, we are obliged to plant the seedling in our hand, before we even move from the place.
Authors and Affiliations
Mensur Valjevac
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