Tradycyjna kultura rdzennych ludów Australii i Oceanii: perspektywa porównawcza / Traditional culture of the indigenous peoples of Australia and Oceania: Comparative perspective


In this text, I intend to demonstrate the commonalities and differences of traditional cul- ture of the indigenous people of Australia and Oceania in the historical and comparative perspective, with special focus on the so-called material culture . This synthesis comprises the indigenous people inhabiting Australia, New Guinea and Oceania (Melanesia, Micro- nesia and Polynesia), followed by a reflection on whether there are cultural traits (espe- cially in the material aspect) that are common to these three enormous cultural complexes .

Authors and Affiliations

Wojciech Bęben


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Wojciech Bęben (2019). Tradycyjna kultura rdzennych ludów Australii i Oceanii: perspektywa porównawcza / Traditional culture of the indigenous peoples of Australia and Oceania: Comparative perspective. Etnografia. Praktyki. Teorie. Doświadczenia / Ethnography. Practices, Theories, Experiences, 5(5), -.