Traffic accidents involving pedestrians – a problem of modern medicine and public health

Journal Title: Polish Journal of Public Health - Year 2011, Vol 121, Issue 1


Pedestrians are road users, who may be both potential victims, as well as perpetrators of road accidents, and technological advances in road communication increase the likelihood of road accidents, especially involving pedestrians. The paper discusses road accidents involving pedestrians, and also the course of these road accidents from the biomechanical point of view. Analysis of the problem was based on the data made available by the Directorate of the Provincial Hospital in Przemyśl and the Municipal Police Headquarters in Przemyśl. The source of information about injuries suffered by accident victims were the order cards from ambulance service in Przemyśl. The analysis of accidents involving pedestrians was based on the Municipal Police data. Descriptions of phases of a traffic accident involving pedestrians and vehicles as well as analysis of specific cases, are presented. Circumstances of the accident can now be displayed using computer programmes that facilitate the verification of hypotheses about the course of the event. Computer animation is used in these cases based on the distribution of marks on the road, location of damage to the vehicle body and post-accident victim alignment. As a result of accident involving pedestrians most often multisystemic injuries occur. Most damaged areas of the body are: head, thorax, lower limbs, upper limbs, pelvis, abdomen and neck. Knowing the biomechanics of the accident and with advanced computer programs, it is possible to reconstruct circumstances of accidents involving pedestrians, which allows for stating the hypothesis as to the type and mechanism of the accident, and thus makes it easier to determine the perpetrator.

Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Gorczyca, Joanna Góra, Daria Gorczyca, Barbara Maciejewska, Ryszard Palczak


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How To Cite

Tomasz Gorczyca, Joanna Góra, Daria Gorczyca, Barbara Maciejewska, Ryszard Palczak (2011). Traffic accidents involving pedestrians – a problem of modern medicine and public health. Polish Journal of Public Health, 121(1), 90-94.