Training loads in an annual training cycle of Poland’s champion in the javelin throw
Journal Title: Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu - Year 2007, Vol 25, Issue 1
The study was designed to analyse the largeness and character of loads in the annual training cycle of an international champion level javelin thrower, many-times national champion and record holder and participant of the Olympic Games in Sydney 2000. The data analysis was carried out with a system which recorded loads in two fields – informative and energetic. The results indicate that training loads and exercises applied during particular prepa- ratory stages of the athlete effectively influenced his performance and produced numerous good scores in control and championship competitions. It was also observed that the analysis of exercises throwers training only in respect of the length of time spent on exercises may lead to an erroneous conclusion that exercises with the highest time spent on them are vital for the training process.
Authors and Affiliations
Juliusz Migasiewicz, Jarosław Miśko, Dariusz Niemczyn
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