Training Status Monitoring From HRV in University Players

Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 3


Abstract: The objective of research was to know training status from HRV in sports persons. In Method; consent was taken from 14 University players and from their teachers; those answered NO to all physical activity readiness questionsfor recording of Heart Rate Variability observations. For that subject’s preparation was done as per protocol. Time domain analysis determines parasympathetic activity while frequency domain analysis determines both sympathetic and parasympathetic activity .Poincare analysis provides data on the vagosympathetic balance. Comparison was made in same exercise group(n=14) pre (composed of 10 hr rest) and post (composed of 1 hr rest) which had an intervention of atleast 60 minutes of various sports of moderate to vigorous intensity ; by applying student t test for equality of means at significance at p value<0.05. For interpretation of training status; when parasympathetic nervous system activity is reduced;decrease training load & when parasympathetic nervous system activity is increased; increase training load. Heart rate decreases and heart rate variability increases with the positive training effect. In the overreaching and in sympathetic overtraining state the heart rate increases and heart rate variability decreases. In the parasympathetic overtraining state or in exhaustion both heart rate and heart rate variability decreases.In Result, reflected optimum training status after 10 hr of rest which had an intervention of at-least 60 minutes of sports.HRV provides good inter play or modulation between parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system and also gave insight into training status and cumulative fatigue estimation in sports persons.In conclusion, HRV is helpful in monitoring, planning and prescribing training programmes and diagnosis and prevention of overtraining in Sports Persons. Keywords:Training Status, Monitoring, HRV, University players

Authors and Affiliations

Manish Parihar, Amitabh Dube, Rajeev Yadav, Munish Agnihotri


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Manish Parihar, Amitabh Dube, Rajeev Yadav, Munish Agnihotri (2017). Training Status Monitoring From HRV in University Players. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences, 5(3), 1043-1048.