Transformation of Back-Offices Function to Support a Culture of Innovation and Intellectual Capital Deployment


The most important attribute of intellectual capital is the company's ability to innovate, which makes it possible to gain sustainable competitive advantage. In addition to critical parts of the intellectual capital management system, such as the human capital management system and the knowledge management system, another important aspect is to be considered - the formation of the company's ability to be adaptive and agile. So, if a key competence-the ability to innovate-is a function of the front office, then the creation of adaptive capacity, which is a certain combination of human capital and a knowledge management system, manifests itself in a back-office meaning. The main back-office function is to support generation of innovations and their implementation through key competencies that ensure the rapid alterations of all processes and structures that are supposed to change. The main purpose of the research is to create company expertise, organizational structure, processes, performance measurement and a team that will be able to maintain steady changes and remain successful. It is obvious that the key component of such a company will be a well-formed team with the necessary skills, knowledge, and competencies, a team whose propensity for transformation is one of its basic characteristics, a team for which resistance to change is unacceptable. The goal of this research is to show how implementing culture of transformation in the back-office helps to promote innovations and improve the company's performance. Additionally, monetary assessment of back-office performance is done to demonstrate what exactly the business will receive in terms of market share, financial results, and company value.

Authors and Affiliations

I. Oleynikova


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  • EP ID EP521168
  • DOI 10.31732/2663-2209-2018-50-78-95
  • Views 110
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How To Cite

I. Oleynikova (2018). Transformation of Back-Offices Function to Support a Culture of Innovation and Intellectual Capital Deployment. Вчені записки Університету "КРОК", 0(0), 78-95.