Transformation of cultural landscape of Cyprus
Journal Title: Acta Scientarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum - Year 2019, Vol 18, Issue 3
Over the past several decades, the coastal regions of the Republic of Cyprus have changed mainly under the influence of tourism. At that time, traditional rural areas were gradually transformed, among others by migration of inhabitants to cities. In these areas, the traditional rural landscape has lost its original character and the rhythm imposed by farming. The forms lost their function, and villages as well as small towns were depopulated. The abandoned farms, which are visible in the landscape, and the progressive succession in formerly used agricultural areas, are signs of the loss of cultural heritage and tradition. The development of the tourism industry is being generated today by mass tourism. There are large scale hotel facilities, not adapted to the character of the place. Issues related to changes in the landscape and various forms of isolation (tourist isolation, social isolation) are the basis for the discussions. The aim of the work is to analyze the current state of cultural landscape in selected areas of the southern part of Cyprus. To determine the degree of landscape transformation, available source materials (current and archival), field analyzes and interview were used. The research allowed to determine the factors affecting changes and the degree of transformation of the cultural landscape. The most important factors of changes include the marginalization of rural areas, population migration to cities, progressive suburbanization and the development of mass tourism.
Authors and Affiliations
Agnieszka Jaszczak
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