Transgresje i liminalność tekstu. Między estetyką fragmentu a „karnawałem” transmedialności


Transgression and liminality of a text. Between the aesthetics of a fragment and the “carnival” of the transmedia The texts is an attempt to make a cross-sectional study of the philosophy and aesthetics of a fragment in the literature-history evolution of the phenomenon, from the Romantic “opening of a work”, “a form in motion”, the concept of the “grainy nature” of style and separation of the relation of a part to the whole, through the mosaic, collage nature of performing the idea of fragmentation in the arts of Modernism, to the norms of post-modern affirmation of the phenomenology of «fragmenting». In the space of different meanings the author tries to find those that most strongly define the language of the post-modern culture. The core of the theoretical-literary discussion is a broadly understood dialectics of the whole and of a part as considered paradigmatically, that is as the patterns and models of description, interpretation, the strategy of thinking and creating (the “sense of chaos” and the classical “idea of order”), and the peculiarly understood philosophy of culture, whose aesthetical, epistemological, and axiological dimension is signed by a broadly understood idea or break-up and disintegration, unpredictability, incoherence, inconclusiveness, nonlinear shapes. The discussion of the poetics of a fragment concerns the problems such as: the formal-aesthetic status of a workfragment, the relationship between the fragment and the whole (unity and partiality), and the nature of the oppositions: unity-multiplicity, whole-detail, finiteness-infinity, point-universe, different dimensions and functions of fragmentality (aesthetical-cognitive, axiological, structural-composition, genologic, and interpretational).

Authors and Affiliations

Dorota Utracka


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How To Cite

Dorota Utracka (2015). Transgresje i liminalność tekstu. Między estetyką fragmentu a „karnawałem” transmedialności. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Poetica, 3(), 36-67.