Trauma mechanisms and the self-preservation system of the inner self

Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 129


The article discusses the paradigms of trauma that explain the psychological mechanisms of functioning of the self as a result of traumatic experiences. The key mechanisms of the inner world of traumatized personalities are determined, such as splitting of the self, loss of connections in the Spirit, Soul and Body system, ambivalence of feelings, thoughts and behavior that must be con- sidered in the process of psychotherapy. The mechanism of self-preservation system is described, which is intended to protect an unhurt piece of the self, which is the actual "true self" that all of us have before we encounter a traumatic experience.

Authors and Affiliations

A. M. Grys’


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How To Cite

A. M. Grys’ (2017). Trauma mechanisms and the self-preservation system of the inner self. Science and Education a New Dimension, 0(129), 59-64.