Treatment of mandibular angle fractures using transbuccal technique osteosynthesis Preliminary study of 32 cases
The open reduction and internal fixation of the mandibular angle fractures using the transbuccal technique is one of the most modern treatment method of these fractures. Aim: a preliminary study of case series of mandibular angle fractures treated exclusively with transbuccal tech- nique, the personal experience, the advantages and the possible complications of the technique reported. Patients and Methods: Patients with mandibular angle fractures, treated with intraoral reduction and fixation through transbuccal approach with one or two mini plates 2.0 mm, were included in the study. Results: 29 patients with 32 mandibular angle fractures were treated. The most common cause of injury was the interpersonal violence (54%). The time of surgery was on average 39 min and had happened 7 days post-injury. No postoperative infection was observed and no plates were removed. Conclusions: The transbuccal approach of osteosynthesis is a surgical technique for the treatment of mandibular angle fractures, preferred by more and more surgeons due to low postoperative complications rate and brief time of surgery.
Authors and Affiliations
Konstantinos MOUROUZIS, Eleni PARARA, Michael MEZITIS, George RALLIS
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