Tren Pendidikan Teologi Di Dunia (Perspektif C&MA) “Quality Control”: Keunggulan Dalam Pendidikan Teologi

Journal Title: UNKNOWN - Year 2015, Vol 13, Issue 1


This article addressed recent trens in theological education in the world today from a C&MA perspective. Theological Education has changed over the many years, from being limited to a select few in the 18th and 19th centuries, to now be open to many different people from many backgrounds. There are areas of excellence that theological schools must address. These are, first of all, excellence in leadership. This includes shaping the future of the school and leading with humility and example. Secondly is excellence in the area of academics. This includes the importance of publishing, especially from the “Global South”, the important tren of orality, and the tren of “student-first” mentality. Thirdly is excellence in the area of administration. The speaks primarily to the area of honesty, integrity, and seeking to enter the technological world of the 21st century. Fourthly is excellence in the area of character, or spiritual formation. If a school attends to these four areas of excellence, the future will be promising.

Authors and Affiliations

Andrew Scott Brake


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  • EP ID EP468092
  • DOI 10.25278/jj71.v13i1.103
  • Views 119
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How To Cite

Andrew Scott Brake (2015). Tren Pendidikan Teologi Di Dunia (Perspektif C&MA) “Quality Control”: Keunggulan Dalam Pendidikan Teologi. UNKNOWN, 13(1), 23-34.