Journal Title: Озброєння та військова техніка - Year 2017, Vol 16, Issue 4
A study of the trends in the development of jet trainers for the last more than 70 years has been carried out. Flight-technical characteristics of almost all serial jet trainers created since the late 40s of the last century to the present time are considered and analysed. Thus, the resulted collection included 38 types of aircraft equipped with turbojet engines. The classifi cation of jet trainer aircrafts into three development generations is proposed and the characteristic features of each generation are formulated. Based on these characteristics, the fi rst generation includes 14 types of jet trainer aircrafts, created from the late 40’s to the mid-60’s. The most indicative and mass representatives of this generation are Т-33Аs of Lockheed, created on the base of combat aircraft T-80, French SM-170 “Magtster, Т-37V (S) “Тweet” of Cessna and Czechoslovak L-29 “Dolphin”. The second generation consists of 20 types of jet trainer aircrafts, created after the mid-60s until approximately 2005, which currently constitute the basis of the world fl eet of aircraft of this type. The most indicative representatives are the American jet trainer aircraft T-38 Talon, Czechoslovak jet trainer aircraft L-39 Albatros and various modifi cations of jet trainer aircraft Hawk of the British company BAE Systems. The third generation is represented by 4 types of serial jet trainer aircrafts, adopted by diff erent countries in the last decade. This is a South Korean T-50, a Russian Yak-130, an Italian M-346 and a Chinese L-15. Prospects for the development of jet trainers are associated with the expansion of the production of existing third-generation jet trainer aircrafts, as well as the expansion of their type. New promising jet trainer aircrafts participating in the US Air Force T-X competition for the procurement of 350 jet trainer aircrafts for basic and advanced fl ight training are considered.
Authors and Affiliations
П. І. Нор
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