Tribal Women Position in Indian Society
Journal Title: Review Journal of Political Philosophy - Year 2019, Vol 0, Issue 1
d has the secondlargest concentration after that of the African continent. It is more than the total population of France and Britain and four times that of Australia. The population oftribal communities scheduled in the Constitution of India and known asScheduled Tribes (STs) was 8.43 corer (1crore = 10 million) as per 2001 census andaccounts for 8.2% of the total population. 4.26 crores are man and 4.17 crores arewomen, accounting for 8.01% and 8.40% respectively. They are scattered over allthe states/UTs, except Punjab, Haryana, Delhi and the UTs of Pondicherry andChandigarh. Trials’ have traditionally lived in about15% of the country’s geographical areas, mainly forests, hills and undulatinginaccessible terrain in plateau areas, rich in natural resources. They have lived asisolated entities for centuries, largely untouched by the society around them.The status of women in a society is a significant reflection of the level of social justice in that society. Women’s status is often described in terms of their level ofIncome, employment, education, health and fertility as well as their roles within the family, the community and society. Tribal women have adjusted themselves to live a traditional life style in the local environment and follow occupations based on natural resources. Undoubtedly, the programmers,oriented towards the empowerment of tribals, particularly women, have improved their socio-economic conditions and status. However, there are wide variations across regions and tribes in terms of work participation, sex ratio, economic productivity and social life. The impact of development planning needs to be evaluated in terms of desired and unanticipated consequences. Against this backdrop, the present paper reviews the emerging perspective in the context of the socio-economic empowerment of tribal women and changing paradigms of development.
Authors and Affiliations
Gauri Manik Manasa
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