Trikatu and Madhu Pratisarana in Kukunaka- A Review


Kukunaka is a particular type of inflammatory disease of eye seen in Ksheerapa avastha, mostly this disease is caused during the infancy period of around 8 months of age. It may occur as a secondary complication to Dantotpatti. Acharya Kashyapa the pioneer in kaumarbhritya opines this disease as ksheer doshaja one. Kukunaka is explained as the Netra vartam gata Kapha-Raktaj vyadhi. It is a bala Netra rog associated with weakness of eyes with photophobia. Kukunaka is the most common eye disease of newborns and is correlated to Ophthalmia neonatorum or neonatal conjunctivitis. Inflammation is caused by a local irritant or by bacteria & herpes simplex virus. It occurs due to maternal infections during labour and delivery and post-delivery complications or infections. It is an allergic manifestation and the child goes on rubbing the forehead, eyes, nose and throat. This disease is associated with watering & purulent discharge from both eyes, there may be an associated keratitis or uveitis. As per the Acharya Sushruta the Pratisarana of Trikatu and Madhu is useful in Kukunaka. Pratisarana is a sthanika chikitsa in which the medicine is taken with index finger and applied at site of infection.

Authors and Affiliations

Bhapil . , Rahul . , Abhinav Rathore


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How To Cite

Bhapil . , Rahul . , Abhinav Rathore (2018). Trikatu and Madhu Pratisarana in Kukunaka- A Review. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 0(0), 1-11.