Objective: The optimal therapy to achieve higher rates of survival in pediatric relapsed/refractory acute leukemia (AL) is still unknown. In developing countries, it is difficult to obtain some of the recent drugs for op...
Objective: The Turkish Society of Pediatric Hematology set up a National Hemoglobinopathy Registry to demonstrate the demographic and disease characteristics of patients and assess the efficacy of a hemoglobinopathy cont...
FLAG Regimen with or without Idarubicin in Children with Relapsed/Refractory Acute Leukemia: Experience from a Turkish Pediatric Hematology Center
Objective: The optimal therapy to achieve higher rates of survival in pediatric relapsed/refractory acute leukemia (AL) is still unknown. In developing countries, it is difficult to obtain some of the recent drugs for op...
A National Registry of Thalassemia in Turkey: Demographic and Disease Characteristics of Patients, Achievements, and Challenges in Prevention
Objective: The Turkish Society of Pediatric Hematology set up a National Hemoglobinopathy Registry to demonstrate the demographic and disease characteristics of patients and assess the efficacy of a hemoglobinopathy cont...
Türkiye’de Gözlenen ilk Hb South Florida [beta 1(NA1) Val>Met] Olgusu
Lösemide Tiyopürin S-Metiltransferaz ve Metilentetrahidrofolat Redüktaz Polimorfizmleri
A Rare Cause of Paraplegia: Myeloid Sarcoma