Trudności identyfikacji zwłok i szczatków ludzkich w oparciu o dokumentacje i badania stomatologiczne.
Journal Title: Archiwum Medycyny Sądowej i Kryminologii - Year 2009, Vol 59, Issue 3
Authors and Affiliations
Dorota Lorkiewicz-Muszyńska, Marzena Łabecka, Czesław Zaba, Margit Kis-Wojciechowska, Janusz Kołowski, Julia Sobol
[Postmortem CT examination in a case of alleged drowning--a case report].
The authors present an analysis of postmortem CT examination in a case of drowning in fresh water of a young male. Both the results of conventional forensic autopsy and radiologic examination have been compared. The anal...
Pharyngitis – fatal infectious disease or medical error?
Reporting on adverse events is essential to create a culture of safety, which focuses on protecting doctors and patients from medical errors. We present a fatal case of Streptococcus C pharyngitis in a 56-year-old man. T...
[Postmortem CT examination with 3D reconstruction in cases referring to casualties of traffic accidents].
The authors presented results of postmortem examination in five cases of victims of fatal traffic accidents (four pedestrians and one motorcyclist). Prior to "classic" forensic autopsies, the bodies were examined employi...
Obrazenia śmiertelne narzadów szyi spowodowane zapietymi pasami bezpieczeństwa.
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