Turbulent kinetic energy of water in a compound channel
Journal Title: Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Land Reclamation - Year 2011, Vol 43, Issue 2
The aim of the experimental research was the determination of water turbulent kinetic energy changes in a compound channel without and with rigid, emergent ,vegetation existing on floodplains. Two tests for two various roughness of floodplains were realized. In the first test the surface of the main channel bed was smooth and made of concrete whereas the floodplains and sloping banks were covered by cement mortar composed with terrazzo. In the second test the covering of the floodplains was left as in the first test but additionally emergent vegetation (trees) growing on the floodplains were modeled by aluminum pipes. Instantaneous velocities were measured with use of a three-component acoustic Doppler velocity meter (ADV). The influence of trees, located on floodplains, on the distributions of turbulent kinetic energy in the main channel and on the floodplains were presented. The distributions of turbulent kinetic energy at different water depths were described by regression equations. Vertical distributions of turbulent kinetic energy on the floodplains and over the banks of the main channel were divided into three zones. Over the bottom of the main channel, four zones were determined, containing the middle zone of the flow field divided into two zones of different trends.
Authors and Affiliations
Adam Kozioł
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