Successful teaching/learning process and development of intercultural competence is interrelated with constructivist paradigm and practice of experiential learning strategy, which is oriented to the development of knowle...
The aim of this paper was to present the deviant models of democracy in Post-Soviet countries and to analyze the case of Russia transition to democracy process from 1991 to 2010. Two main concepts – “transition to democr...
This article analysis expression of a classical and liberal paradigm in education of today and future incorporating the main aspects of teaching the piano. Supposition is made that educational tradition of a young pianis...
This paper is an attempt to a new approach in seaweed cultivation module that is carried out by a company UAB Metal Production in Lithuania. The article is concerned with how the module made of PE80 works under given con...
Straipsnio tikslas – nustatyti kultūros skatinimo lygį įvairiose šalyse. Tyrimo metodas – statistinių duomenų analizė. Nustatyta, kad vidutinis kultūros skatinimo lygis Europos Sąjungos šalyse yra 0,4 proc. nuo BVP, Liet...
EP ID EP84874
Views 128
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How To Cite
Renata Bilbokaitė (2010). Turinio žemėlapio metodo taikymas gamtamokslinio ugdymo procese<br />
. Jaunųjų mokslininkų darbai, 26(2),
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Analysis of Peculiarities of Experiential Learning in Different Cultural Context: Development of Intercultural Competence
Successful teaching/learning process and development of intercultural competence is interrelated with constructivist paradigm and practice of experiential learning strategy, which is oriented to the development of knowle...
The aim of this paper was to present the deviant models of democracy in Post-Soviet countries and to analyze the case of Russia transition to democracy process from 1991 to 2010. Two main concepts – “transition to democr...
Possibilities for Educational Changes in Children’s Music School in Context of Education Based on Liberal Paradigm
This article analysis expression of a classical and liberal paradigm in education of today and future incorporating the main aspects of teaching the piano. Supposition is made that educational tradition of a young pianis...
Strength Analysis of Seaweed Cultivation Module
This paper is an attempt to a new approach in seaweed cultivation module that is carried out by a company UAB Metal Production in Lithuania. The article is concerned with how the module made of PE80 works under given con...
Kūrybinės visuomenės formavimas: prielaidų tyrimas
Straipsnio tikslas – nustatyti kultūros skatinimo lygį įvairiose šalyse. Tyrimo metodas – statistinių duomenų analizė. Nustatyta, kad vidutinis kultūros skatinimo lygis Europos Sąjungos šalyse yra 0,4 proc. nuo BVP, Liet...