In the face of increasing domestic and transnational terrorism (involving more than one country, cross-boarder), questions arise about which type of terrorism - internal or external - becomes greater threat to security?...
Currentiy, in times of enhanced mobility and constantly galloping globalization, mass immigration is one of the most significant aspects of international relations. If could well be considered as multi-aspect occurrence,...
One of the most important issues of the Russia statehood is a problem of stability and internal integrity. A characteristic feature of Russian state is the wide variety of ethnic and religious. Since the XVI century an...
Terroryzm jako ewoluujące zagrożenie bezpieczeństwa współczesnego świata. Pomiar i ocena zjawiska
In the face of increasing domestic and transnational terrorism (involving more than one country, cross-boarder), questions arise about which type of terrorism - internal or external - becomes greater threat to security?...
Kształt szwedzkiej polityki imigracyjnej i integracyjnej w świetle aktualnych tendencji w imigracji zarobkowej
Currentiy, in times of enhanced mobility and constantly galloping globalization, mass immigration is one of the most significant aspects of international relations. If could well be considered as multi-aspect occurrence,...
Islam i ZSRR. Polityka Bolszewików wobec muzułmanów w okresie kształtowania się państwa radzieckiego
One of the most important issues of the Russia statehood is a problem of stability and internal integrity. A characteristic feature of Russian state is the wide variety of ethnic and religious. Since the XVI century an...
O Profesor Urszuli Świętochowskiej i jej działalności naukowo-dydaktycznej
Strategia i plan jako koncepcje działania politycznego