Un poeta español en la corte de Viena: Weltanschauung y antipetrarquismo en Cristóbal de Castillejo
Journal Title: Studia Europaea Gnesnensia - Year 2012, Vol 5, Issue
The figure of the humanist Cristóbal de Castillejo (Ciudad Rodrigo, 1490- Vienna, 1550) plays a fundamental role in 16th centuryEurope, embodied by emperor Charles V. The most significant aspect in the poet’s biography, a fact borne out by his famous works, was the early association with the court of one of the most charismatic and prominent figures of the then Central Europe, the archduke ofAustria and the ruler ofBohemia andHungary, Ferdinand, the emperor’s brother. First as a page, when Ferdinand was only the Spanish infant, and later as a royal secretary inVienna, he participated in king’s travels as well as important political and literary events. This privileged position found its reflection not only in the official accounts, but also in Cristóbal de Castillejo’s work. The twenty five years spent at the court inVienna have their testimony in the highly valuable epistolary anthology entitled ”El emperador Carlos V y su corte según las cartas de don Martín de Salina”
Authors and Affiliations
María Martínez Navarro
W co wierzyli Prasłowianie, czyli manowce komparatystyki albo opowieść Jakuba Zieliny oparta na źródłach historycznych i etnograficznych
Recenzja książki: Jakub Zielina, Wierzenia Prasłowian, Wydawnictwo Petrus, Kraków 2011
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