Underemployment – wyzwanie rynku pracy / The Underemployment – the Labour Market Challenge
Journal Title: Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne - Year 2018, Vol 107, Issue
The need to analyze the situation the underemployment in the Polish labour market include part of the problem very important. The purpose of this paper is to present the essence of underemployment and whether indeed a growing number of underemployed is observed. In the first part of the article the notion of underemployment and its main features in the light of the literature are defined. Then, an attempt is made to define scope underemployment focuses on the EU labour market (article is based on available Eurostat statistics) and on the Poland. Research pilot studies on underemployment have been conducted out in the West Pomeranian Voivodship. The conclusions stemming from the analysis are included in the final part of the article and constitute a relatively bad the situation the underemployment in the Polish labour market. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Polish labour market is dual, as there are so-called “good” workplaces and substandard workplaces. .
Authors and Affiliations
Karolina Drela
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