Underlying Essential Quranic Teaching Elements: Book Review
Journal Title: Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 4
Abstract: This study aims to provide an analysis of al-Qabisy’s ideas based on his book, “Ar-RisalaMufassaahLiahwali Al-MutaaliminWa-Ahkam Al-MuaaliminWal-Mutaalimin” (Detailed letter to the conditions of students and rules for teachers and students). This study is carried out to examine Al-Qabisy’s main ideas in teaching the Quran, and the implications of his ideas in improving the Qur’anic teaching among children. A content analysis method has been used to obtain all research objectives. There are eight key components of Quranic teaching that have been discovered from this study. They are student, teacher, intention, teacher's responsibility, syllabus, schedule, stages of learning, and assessment. These components are very useful in improving the Qur’anic teaching among children. The concepts presented in this article is hoped to be beneficial in improving the teaching of Qur’an among children. Keywords: Quranic teaching, Islamic education, intention, syllabus, assessment
Authors and Affiliations
Siti Salwa Md. Sawari, Muhamad Zahiri Awang Mat, Jafar Paramboor, Fuad A. A. Trayek, Mohd Al’Ikhsan Ghazali
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