Understanding factors influencing consumers online purchase intention via mobile app: perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, system quality, information quality, and service quality
Journal Title: Marketing Instytucji Naukowych i Badawczych - Year 2019, Vol 32, Issue 2
The development of technology has been significantly give the implication towards consumer’s behaviour in having the online purchase intention via mobile app that has been developed by the e-commerce company to serve better and deliver a better service to the consumers; especially when internet has connected people through their smartphones. The insignificant growth in doing the online purchase via mobile app which does not go along with the growth of internet mobile users in Indonesia and Singapore will deliver this study in order to evaluate and validate the implication of ease of use, usefulness, system quality, information quality, and service quality towards consumer’s behaviour in having the online purchase intention via mobile app. Data was gathered with survey by spreading 100 questionnaires randomly to the respondents who had the experience in doing the online purchase via mobile app in the last 6 months in Indonesia and Singapore. The methodology in doing this study is the quantitative approach by considering the connection amongst the independent variables and the dependent variables. This research found that usefulness and information quality significantly affect the online purchase intention through mobile app in Indonesia while in Singapore ease of use, usefulness, and service quality significantly affect the online purchase intention through mobile app.
Authors and Affiliations
Markun Hanjaya, Kenny Kenny, Freddy Gunawan
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