Unele observaţii cu privire la metodele şi mijloacele criminalistice de conservare şi fixare a urmelor infracţionale
Journal Title: Revista Națională de Drept - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 197
The author analyses the difficulties of applying some technical means of preserving, fixing and lifting material traces and brings arguments in favor of the suggestion to implement the method of odor identification in the practice of criminal investigation.
Limitele reîncadrării juridico-penale a faptei inculpatului de către instanța de judecată ex-officio. echitatea procedurii. aspecte practico-aplicative
This study is based on the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights in its jurisprudence, identifying the rules of conduct of the court to reframe the deed of Ex officio defendant, through the prism of art.325 of...
Accepțiunea semantico-științifică a principiului disponibilității
This work is dedicated to a theme very important-scientific semantic acceptance of the principle of availability. One of the principles that are reflected throughout the process, containing wide, bordered by the judge’s...
Cauzele determinante endogene și exogene ale criminalității
This study involves the analysis of the occurrence of crime, which has as purpose the completion of the impulse to commit a criminal act, on the basis of the theory of anthropology of Cesare Lombroso and the sociological...
Îmbunătățirea competențelor psihologice și pedagogice ale personalului didactic al universității de stat din Comrat în sistemul învățarea pe tot parcursul vieții
In conformitate cu cerințele educaționale moderne, este absolut necesară formarea profesională a profesorilor universitari. Cerințele pentru competența psihopedagogică a cadrelor didactice devin din ce în ce mai complica...
Conceptul de procedură simplificată
As the practice of law enforcement shows, the differentiation of procedural form is a necessary thing. Even its opponents admit that in a single criminal trial there may be procedures that differ according to the degree...