Unele spicuiri privind drepturile şi obligaţiile puse în sarcina întreprinzătorilor
Journal Title: Revista Națională de Drept - Year 2017, Vol 6, Issue 200
Taking noble purpose to contribute to the social good, businesses have given rise to harmful events, such as the production of low-quality goods and services, even dangerous to human life and health, the environment and property of other people. From these considerations the state through the generation of normative acts put forward a package of rights and obligations as for entrepreneurs.
Purtarea, păstrarea, procurarea ilegală a armei de foc sau a muniţiilor: modalităţi normative de exprimare a faptei prejudiciabile prevăzute la art.290 CP RM
Within performed study is analyzed illegal carrying, storing and purchasing of firearms (except smooth-bore hunting weapon) or ammunition as normative modalities of expressing penal illicit referred to art.290 PC RM. It...
Aplicarea pedepsei închisorii persoanelor cu vârsta cuprinsă între 18 şi 21 de ani – novaţie în Codul penal al Republicii Moldova
The exercise of the punitive and coercive role of the state with regard to the offenders materializes in the penalty system regulated by the criminal law, and their effectiveness can be assessed according to the extent t...
Semantismul expresiilor „confesiune religioasă”, „sectă”, „cult”, „mișcare religioasă” în fenomenologia criminalității religioase
In the limits of this scientific article we have analyzed multidisciplinary problems linked to clarification of the semantic nature of some philosophical and theological concepts that are applied in the modern criminolog...
Conotații juridico-penale privind piramidele financiare
The practice of a financial pyramid it’s one of the examples of an activity that falls under the incident of art.2411 PC RM. This criminal component was introduced on 08 June of 2012 be the Law 128 for completion of some...
Procedura de restructurare a întreprinderii insolvabile
Modern economic reality shows that companies can face difficulties, in this respect the legislator establishes the insolvency institution meant to remove the inefficient actors from the economic circuit, and those who ex...