Uneven distribution of Y-chromosome haplogroups in the regional populations of ukrainians


Aim. The aim was to compare the frequency spectra of Y chro mosome haplogroups among Ukrainians from different regions, identify atypical populations and determine their characteristics. Methods. A sample of Ukrainians (n = 1141) from 12 regions of Ukraine was investigated. DNA samples were genotyped by the SNP markers of the Y chromosome. The frequencies of Y chromosome haplogroups for the regions were compared using the χ2 and F tests. Results. Differences between regions in the haplogroup frequency distribution were determined, atypical populations were detected, and the features of their Y-chromosome spectrum were studied. Conclusions. Lviv and Rivne samples were the closest to frequencies of Y-chromosome haplogroups averaged for Ukraine. The highest specificity was found in samples from Khmelnitska (R-M198(×M458) high frequency, R-M458 low frequency), Zaporozhska (E-M78 absence) and Chernigov (R-M458 high frequency, R-M198(×M458) low frequency) regions. Keywords: Y-chromosome, haplogroup, Ukrainians, gene pool.

Authors and Affiliations

О. М. Утевская, Л. А. Атраментова


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How To Cite

О. М. Утевская, Л. А. Атраментова (2018). Uneven distribution of Y-chromosome haplogroups in the regional populations of ukrainians. Фактори експериментальної еволюції організмів, 23(), 232-237. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-621433