Unexplained, significant disparities in the incidence of lung cancer in men and breast cancer among neighbourIng populations of the Pomorskie voivodeship
Journal Title: Journal of Geography, Politics and Society - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 0
Significant, unexplained disparities in the incidence of lung cancer in men and breast cancer among some neighbouring populations of the Pomorskie voivodeship poviats were revealed. They were not found for lung cancer in women. Examinations were conducted on data from the Pomeranian Cancer Registry. A hypothesis was put forward that the observed accumulation of certain surnames in certain poviats argues for the repetitive occurrence of certain features of the genotype in populations inhabiting these areas, which may have an influence on the emergence of certain cancers and play a role in the emergence of the above mentioned disparities.
Authors and Affiliations
Maciej Krzanowski
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