Universal device for measuring electrical properties of soils
Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 4
Abroad, the measurement of the electrical properties of soils is carried out everywhere. Various devices for contact and non-contact measurement have been created. Pozdnyakov AI was engaged in the development of similar methods and corresponding instruments in Russia. However, widespread use of these methods in Russia has been hampered by the lack of a modern, convenient, portable and high-performance device. In 2003 portable geophysical instrument LandMapper ERM-01 was developed by IP GeoPro (Russia) and LANDVISER (USA). LandMapper is designed to measure electrical parameters in the field soil and other geological environments, as well as in plants. Currently, in our work, we use the following modifications of that device — LandMapper ERM-03 and ERM-04. These devices can be used to measure specific electric resistance (ER) and conductivity (EC) of soils, rocks, solutions and similar environments; and also, for measuring natural electrical potentials in soils and plants (ERM-04). The device can be used for measurements from the surface of the earth, along with the wall of the soil section or quarry, as well as in soil samples or other media in the laboratory. For these purposes, a four AMNB electrode installation is used, which is placed on the surface under investigation, and the electrical resistance or electrical conductivity value is read and displayed on the instrument display. By varying the distance between the electrodes, measurements can be made at different depths. Methods of the subsurface electrical survey can be used in agriculture (the so-called precision farming), environmental assessment and monitoring of the land, construction and archaeology.
Authors and Affiliations
A. Pozdnyakova, L. Pozdnyakov, O. Antsiferova
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