Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue 12
У статті розглянуто систему універсальних ретроспективних покажчиків текстових неперіодичних видань, що є підсистемою українського бібліографічного репертуару. Охарактеризовано видання найбільших бібліотек України: Національної бібліотеки України імені В. І. Вернадського, Національної парламентської бібліотеки України, Львівської національної наукової бібліотеки імені В. Стефаника НАН України, Книжкової палати України; бібліографічні покажчики, підготовлені як колективами цих установ, так і видатними українськими бібліографами Я. П. Запаско і Я. Д. Ісаєвичем, С. Й. і С. С. Петровими. One of the major tasks of the ukrainian bibliography is the creation of the ukrainian bibliographic repertoire – the complete summary of publishing products of Ukraine. The theoretical and methodical aspects of creation of the ukrainian bibliographic repertoire were examined in many publications of domestic authors, in particular by V. Y. Omelchuk, К. Lobuzina, I. Lychanova. However, until now there is no the generalized review and description of the given out lately bibliographic manuals which are the constituents of the ukrainian bibliographic repertoire. The article which is offered is dedicated to consideration of the system of universal retrospective indexes of textual non-periodical editions which are the subsystem of the Ukrainian bibliographic repertoire. Editions of the greatest libraries of Ukraine are described. There are bibliographic indexes, geared-up by the National Library of Ukraine named after V. І. Vernadskyi, National Parliamentary Library of Ukraine, Lviv National Scientific Library named after V. Stefanyk, the Book Chamber of Ukraine; both the collectives of these establishments and prominent by individual Ukrainian bibliographers. The specialists of the National Library of Ukraine named after V. І. Vernadskyi offered and carried out the program of preparation of bibliographic research “Ukrainian-language book in the funds of the National Library of Ukraine named after V. І. Vernadskyi, 1798– 1923” as the first phase of the state‟s project implementation of national bibliography of Ukraine. The National Parliamentary Library of Ukraine came forward with the initiative of creation of the “Printed erected catalogue of the Ukrainian book in the funds of libraries and museums of the system of Ministry of culture of Ukraine (1574–1923)”. The special way was chosen by the Lviv National Scientific Library named after V. Stefanyk, which gave out “Repertoire of the Ukrainian book, 1798–1916: Materials to bibliography”, which is recreation in the printed type of card index of the Ukrainian bibliographic repertoire, created in 1945–1948 by the academic libraries of Kyiv and Lviv under the direction of Yurij Mezhenko. Every bibliographic manual is described by such parameters: types of documents which are taken into account, chronologic scopes, method of bibliographic description and its features, methods of the bibliographic grouping and location of bibliographic records in divisions, composition of certificate of manual. It is educed that account of Ukrainian-language editions for the period of 1798 – 1923 carried out with most plenitude. The account of editions which went out in Ukraine in different languages is provided for the period from 1574 to 1917. Most bibliographic manuals are presented both in the printed version and in electronic analogue in the sites of libraries. However, organization of retrospective national bibliography of Ukraine needs coordination and co-operation of efforts of many participants; application of different ways of search of information about documents; scientific development of pressing methodical and technological questions of creation of manuals of retrospective national bibliography.
Authors and Affiliations
Halina Shvetsova-Vodka
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