Університети в глобальній економіці: режим конкуренції за знання
Journal Title: Вісник Дніпропетровського університету.Світове господарство і міжнародні економічні відносини - Year 2016, Vol 24, Issue 8
Development of higher education accompanied with evolution of most developed countries towards knowledge economy in processes of globalization and internationalization of education challenge countries to adapt to new conditions. Universities should act in new realities in the mode of dynamic competition for knowledge. Therefore there is permanent need to generalize modern visions, theories and practice for the purpose of proper reaction by both education system and politicians. The aim of the paper is to determine the paradigm of views on the role and place, and internal political conditions, the mode of universities’ activities in knowledge economy, which is the result of evolution of top competitive countries of the world. Foreign and domestic theoretical and analytical publications form the information base of the paper. Methodological foundation of research is composed of systemic approach to cognition of economic events and processes, methods of theoretical generalization, abstraction, analysis and synthesis, evolutionary, systematization. The paper generalizes theoretical and practical views and identifies modern mode of universities’ activities, which evolve from consumer of budget resources to the leading supplier of intellectual capital. Universities in developed countries are equal partners among institutions that provide socio-economic development on all levels from local to global. World class universities caring about commercialization of research are entrepreneurial and considered to enable students mastering creativity and entrepreneurship competencies. Development of international specializations in research and education requires universities to cooperate, therefore in global science and education they actively operate in the modes of co-opetition and competition for knowledge. Conversion of world class universities into centre of knowledge attention, integrated institution within intellectual region, institution which advances local development creating new opportunities, requires appropriate reorganization of organizational structures of universities. Deepening of international division of labour in the field of services, which are based on knowledge, leads to formation of specialized creative clusters, which are serving global markets and deeply integrated with universities. Globalisation and internationalization of higher education, transition from elite to mass education system cause stratification of universities, which challenges universities of Ukraine to dynamically search for niches in national, international and global science and education.
Authors and Affiliations
D. Ilnytskyy
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