Уoung P. A. Kulish`s Historiosophical Understanding of History of Ukraine


The author studies how young P. Kulish`s historiosophical views about history of Ukraine were formed and consolidated. It is pointed out that Kulishe`s romantic historiosophy had patriotic and teleological roots. It has been shown that during 1843–1846 P. Kulish wrote some important prose and poetic fiction and public works, where he considered about origin of Ukrainian history, studied its main events and stages, highlighted the importance of its social, spiritual, national and personal factors. The philosopher outlined the course of time in Ukrainian history from the period of the Kievan princes to the second half of the XVII-th century, discussed historical orientation of Ukraine in Central-Eastern European area, internal and external features of historical choice of Ukraine in the context of struggle between different social forces. P. Kulish also defined the meaning of human life in history, the role of secular and spiritual components for it.

Authors and Affiliations

Serhii Svitlenko


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  • EP ID EP195505
  • DOI 10.15421/261603
  • Views 115
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How To Cite

Serhii Svitlenko (2016). Уoung P. A. Kulish`s Historiosophical Understanding of History of Ukraine. Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія Історія та археологія., 24(1), 22-32. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-195505