Upgraded Selection Sort

Journal Title: International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering - Year 2011, Vol 3, Issue 4


Sorting is a technique which is frequently used in our day to day life. It has a direct implication on searching. If the data is sorted on any key attribute, finding data based on that key attribute becomes very fast. There are many sorting algorithm that are being used in practical life as well as in computation. We will concentrate on selection sort in this context that has already been used for so many years and are providing a solution to make it more faster as compared to previous one. The upgraded Selection sort works by repeatedly selecting the minimum or the maximum value and placing them in their proper position in the list. We provide a method of selecting both the minimum and the maximum value simultaneously and placing them in their respective positions in a single pass. so that the length of array reduces by two elements in each pass which reduces the number of passes by n/2.Thus array get sorted in ascending order from the beginning of the array, and in descending order from the end and hence the sorting is done from both the ends of the array and hence the array is sorted in less time using this upgraded selection sort as compared to the original selection sort. The complexity of the upgraded selection sort provided in this work comes out to be same as that of the original selection sort О(n2) but the total number of passes in the original selection sort is n and in upgraded algorithm is n/2.

Authors and Affiliations

Sunita Chand, , Teshu Chaudhary, , Rubina Parveen


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How To Cite

Sunita Chand, , Teshu Chaudhary, , Rubina Parveen (2011). Upgraded Selection Sort. International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, 3(4), 1633-1637. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-102797