Upper extremity cumulative trauma disorders in the makers of Maraş pounded ice cream
Journal Title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi - Year 2013, Vol 40, Issue 2
Objective: Upper Extremity Cumulative Trauma Disorders (UE-CTD) are among the major health problems affecting the workers. The aim of this study was to investigate UE-CTD in the makers of Maras pounded ice cream (MMPIC) Methods: This study was conducted among 50 volunteers who work as a MMPIC and 50 control in our downtown area. During face-to-face conversion, the participants filled out a survey inquiring about age, duration of work (in years) in job, daily working time, occupation with another job, health history, and medication usage. The subjects were questioned regarding the musculoskeletal complaints within the last six months and upper body physical examination was performed in all participants. Results: The study group was composed of males. The mean age of study group and control group were 31.78±6.58 and 30.74±5.99 years (p=0.411), respectively. The mean duration of work in pounded ice cream business and the mean duration of work in control were 11.64± 6.26 years and 10.68±5.48 years (p=0.417), respectively. The mean daily working time in the study group and in control group were 10.64±1.82 hours and 11.12±1.62 hours (p= 0.168), respectively. Musculoskeletal complaints of the upper extremity were found in 52% of the study group, and 28% of the control group. Musculoskeletal disease of upper extremity was found in 28% of the study group and in 12% of the control group. Upper extremity musculoskeletal system complaints and illness were difference statistically between the two groups (p= 0.014; p= 0.046, respectively). Conclusion: UE-CTD was seen in the makers of pounded ice cream and its prevalence was similar to the other laborers work in the areas needing repetitive arm and hand motion. Key words: Makers of Maras pounded ice cream, cumulative trauma disorders, upper extremity problems
Authors and Affiliations
Betül Bakan, Mustafa Sucaklı
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